Question: Why are you doing this tournament?
A: We started this tournament to help provide community cohesion. We wanted to bring together athletes and surrounding communities & neighborhoods on a platform to provide that cohesion.
Question: How often are these tournaments
A: When we started, they were every year in July. But now we are gaining momentum and popularity, we're going to be having them more often. You can always stay up to date on our social media pages  (Facebook, Instagram, TwitterYouTube and Threads) and here on the website.
Question: How long has this been going on?
A: Since 2009
Question: How old do I have to be to play in the tournament?
A: Men, 18 years and up to play. 
Part 2: This year we will hold exhibition games in the 2nd gym for youth teams. These youth team will play for free. Please call us at 757-349-6806 if your team wants to play in these games. We are looking for adult female teams to play in an exhibition game right before the championship game on championship Sunday. Please contact us. 
Question: Is there a cost to come see the tournament?
A: Yes. It will always be posted on our website. Tickets are available or pay at the door the day(s) of the event.
Question: How can I get a media pass? 
        A: Please visit our media page to submit a form here.
Question: Do the players who register to play, get jerseys too.
A: No. Players/Teams must provide their own jerseys. We do now offer an option to get team jerseys included with registration. Please be advised, that option goes away June 15th. Besides that, the only thing we give the players is a gifted t shirt for playing and sometimes they eat for free.
Question: Is there a phone number to talk to someone about this tournament?
A: Yes. 757-349-6806 (Mon. - Fri. from 8am until 6pm)
Question: Where are the tournaments held at?
A: In Newport News, Va. for the main event (annual), but we are doing some really cool things with other companies soon and will be hosting our collaborations and other basketball events in other states.
Question: What does the winning team get?
A: A trophy.
Question: Do you have vendors at the tournament?
A: If we will have vendors at the event, an announcement will be posted and we will have a page link to sign up. Please keep in mind, we may not have vendors at events.
Question: Do you need volunteers for these events
A: Absolutely. We post the sign up form on our website at least 1 month prior to this event. Please check back and sign up then.
Question: Why should I come out to this event?
A: 1) Community cohesion 2) Promoting positive change. 3) Supports cultural economic development. 4) Enjoyment! Its the best summer event.
S/N: Security check in progress
Question: Are you looking for sponsorships?
A: Of course. Our options are:
1. You can donate by clicking this link.
2. Call us at 757-349-6806 Mon.-Sun. 8am-6pm if you ever want to sponsor our events and we can give you the list of things. Also, its always a good idea for businesses to consider putting in a team, if so please go to the registration page when its available. 
3. Please feel free to also support us by promoting us (sharing, liking, commenting) on our social media post throughout our different socials.